Instance Settings

Customise each targeted division with the settings below (all are optional):

$(selector).flightboard({messages: [..., ...]});

afterFlip | beforeFlip | flips | lettersImage | lettersSeq | lettersSize | maxLength | messages | opacity | pause | repeat | selection | sequential | shading | shadingImages | speed

lettersImagestring'img/flightboard-large.png' The location (URL) of the image that contains a horizontal amalgamation of the letters to be shown on the flight board.
lettersSizenumber[2][25, 34] The width and height of the individual letters within the lettersImage setting. The height should be an even number.
lettersSeqstring ' ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ0123456789' The sequence of the individual letters within the lettersImage setting.
messagesstring[] ['SEE THE FLIGHT BOARD', 'CHANGE MESSAGES'] The messages to display on the flight board. The case of these messages must match the case in the lettersSeq setting.
maxLengthnumber20 The number of characters to show on the flight board.
flipsnumber or number[2][3, 5] The number of flips made for individual characters during a message flip on the flight board. The value may be a single number or an array with the minimum and maximum values. At each flip a random intermediate character is shown.
sequentialbooleanfalse Set to true to always move sequentially through all the letters to the target character. Set to false to select random characters based on the flips option.

Since 1.0.1.
speednumber500 The number of milliseconds that it takes for each individual character flip to complete. There may be multiple character flips per message flip - see flips setting.
repeatbooleantrue Set to true to automatically flip the board to a new message after pausing the time below. Set to false to only flip on demand.
pausenumber2000 The number of milliseconds to pause between message flips.
selectionstring'forward' Determine how the next message to be shown is selected. The value should be one of 'forward', 'backward', or 'random'.
shadingbooleantrue Set to true to add the shading for enhancing the 3D effects. Set to false to not apply shading.
opacitynumber0.5 The maximum opacity for the highlight and shadow. Valid values are 0.0 to 1.0.
shadingImagesstring[2] ['img/flightBoardHigh.png', 'img/flightBoardShad.png'] Locations of the highlight and shadow images used by IE for the shading effects.
beforeFlipfunctionnull A callback made just before each flip starts. The function receives the current (shown) and next (to be shown) messages as parameters, while this refers to the containing division.
afterFlipfunctionnull A callback made just after each flip ends. The function receives the current (just hidden) and next (just displayed) messages as parameters, while this refers to the containing division.

$(selector).flightboard({afterFlip: endedFlip});
function endedFlip(current, next) {
	$('#flipStatus').text('ended ' + current + ' » ' + next);

current | destroy | flip | next | option (get) | option (set) | setDefaults | start | stop

$.flightboard.setDefaults(options)flight board object Update the default instance settings to use with all flight board instances.

options (object) is the set of default settings
$(selector).flightboard('option', options)jQuery object Update the settings for the flight board instance(s) attached to the given division(s).

options (object) the collection of new settings.

$(selector).flightboard('option', {speed: 300, repeat: false});

Since 1.1.0 - previously you used the 'change' command.
$(selector).flightboard('option', name, value)jQuery object Update a particular setting for the flight board instance(s) attached to the given division(s).

name (string) the name of the setting to change;
value (any) the new value of that setting.

$(selector).flightboard('option', 'speed', 300);

Since 1.1.0 - previously you used the 'change' command.
$(selector).flightboard('option', name)object or any Retrieve one or all of the current settings for the first flight board instance attached to the given division(s).

name (string, optional) the name of the setting to retrieve; omit for all settings.

var settings = $(selector).flightboard('option');
var speed = $(selector).flightboard('option', 'speed');

Since 1.1.0.
$(selector).flightboard('destroy')jQuery object Remove the flight board functionality from the given division(s).
$(selector).flightboard('flip', next)jQuery object Trigger another flip of the flight board for the given division(s).

next (int, optional) the index of the next message to show
$(selector).flightboard('stop')jQuery object Stop the automatic rotation of the flight board for the given division(s).
$(selector).flightboard('start')jQuery object Start the automatic rotation of the flight board for the given division(s).
$(selector).flightboard('current')string Retrieve the currently visible message in the flight board for the given division.
$(selector).flightboard('next')string Retrieve the next message in the flight board to be displayed for the given division.