Default Settings

The Google Chart functionality can easily be added to a division with appropriate default settings. Google Chart generates a chart as an image in response to a HTTP request with parameters defining the content and appearance. This plugin hides all of that behind a JavaScript interface.

You can also remove the charting functionality with the 'destroy' command if it is no longer required.

Basic chart:


$('#removeChart').click(function() {
	var destroy = $(this).text() === 'Remove';
	$(this).text(destroy ? 'Re-attach' : 'Remove');
	$('#defaultChart').gchart(destroy ? 'destroy' : {});

You can override the defaults globally as shown below:

$.gchart.setDefaults({legend: 'right'});

Processed fields are marked with a class of is-gchart and are not re-processed if targeted a second time.

Complete Example

This chart shows some of the capabilities of the Google chart API. It depicts average minimum and maximum temperatures and rainfall for Brisbane, Australia.

The individual elements of the charts are demonstrated in more detail on the other tabs.

Brisbane weather:

$('#brisChart').gchart({type: 'line', maxValue: 40,
	title: 'Weather for|Brisbane, Australia', titleColor: 'green',
	backgroundColor: $.gchart.gradient('horizontal', 'ccffff', 'ccffff00'),
	series: [$.gchart.series('Max', [29.1, 28.9, 28.1, 26.3,
		23.5, 21.2, 20.6, 21.7, 23.8, 25.6, 27.3, 28.6], 'red', 'ffcccc'),
		$.gchart.series('Min', [20.9, 20.8, 19.5, 16.9,
		13.8, 10.9, 9.5, 10.0, 12.5, 15.6, 18.0, 19.8], 'green'),
		$.gchart.series('Rainfall', [157.7, 174.6, 138.5, 90.4,
		98.8, 71.2, 62.6, 42.7, 34.9, 94.4, 96.5, 126.2], 'blue', 0, 200)],
	axes: [$.gchart.axis('bottom', ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr',
		'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], 'black'),
		$.gchart.axis('left', 0, 40, 'red', 'right'),
		$.gchart.axis('left', ['C'], [50], 'red', 'right'),
		$.gchart.axis('right', 0, 200, 50, 'blue', 'left'),
		$.gchart.axis('right', ['mm'], [50], 'blue', 'left')],
	legend: 'right'
Chart Types

Google charting provides for a number of different chart styles. Common chart types are shown below.

Line/bar/radar charts:


$('#typedChart').gchart({type: 'line',
	dataLabels: ['2010', '2011', '2012', '2013'], legend: 'right',
	series: [$.gchart.series('IE', [29.7, 21.7, 16.1, 11.7], 'red'),
		$.gchart.series('Chrome', [19.2, 32.3, 44.9, 54.1], 'green'),
		$.gchart.series('Firefox', [44.1, 38.7, 31.8, 27.2], 'blue')]

$('#types select').change(function() {
	$('#typedChart').gchart('option', {type: $('#selectType').val(),
		legend: 'right', format: $('#imgFormat').val()});

Pie charts only plot a single set of values, unless you choose the pieConcentric chart type. To customise colours for the segments, you need to supply them as an array of colours for each series. If fewer colours than the number of segments are given, the colours are recycled for the remaining segments.

Pie charts:    



var data = [$.gchart.series('2012', [16.1, 44.9, 31.8]),
	$.gchart.series('2013', [11.7, 54.1, 27.2])];
$('#pieChart').gchart({type: 'pie', series: data, legend: 'right',
	dataLabels: ['IE', 'Chrome', 'Firefox'],
	extension: {chdl: 'IE 2012|Ch 2012|FF 2012'}});

$('input[name=pieType],#pieColours,#pieAngle').change(function() {
	data[0].color = ($('#pieColours').is(':checked') ?
		['red', 'lime', 'blue'] : null);
	data[1].color = ($('#pieColours').is(':checked') ?
		['ff8888', '88ff88', '8888ff'] : null);
		{type: $('input[name=pieType]:checked').val(),
		series: data, pieOrientation: $('#pieAngle').val(),
		extension: {chdl: 'IE 2012|Ch 2012|FF 2012' +
		($('#pieConcentric').is(':checked') ? '|IE 2013|Ch 2013|FF 2013' : '')}});

For a line chart you can also explicitly set the x- and y-coordinates, rather than using the even x-spacing that is the default. Use the $.gchart.seriesForXYLines helper function to create the series. It expects an array of series, as before, however each value consists of the point's x- and y-coordinate as an array. If you want to use the default even spacing for one of the series, provide just the y-values.

X-Y line charts:

$('#lineXYChart').gchart({type: 'lineXY', legend: 'right',
	series: $.gchart.seriesForXYLines(
	[$.gchart.series('One', [[0, 20], [30, 30], [60, 40],
	[70, 50], [90, 60], [95, 70], [100, 80]], 'red'),
	$.gchart.series('Two', [[10, 100], [30, 90], [40, 40],
	[45,20], [52, 10]], 'green'),
	$.gchart.series('Three', [5, 33, 50, 55, 7], 'blue')])});

For a financial chart you need to specify at least four series. You then designate one series to use as the basis for the financial (candlestick) markers. This series defines the bottom of the vertical line. The following two series specify the bottom and top of the rectangle respectively. Finally, the top of the vertical line comes from the third following series.

You can also include other series that are graphed normally. Use the visibleSeries setting to indicate which series are directly displayed and which are reserved for the markers.

Financial charts:

$('#financialChart').gchart({type: 'line',
	encoding: 'scaled', visibleSeries: 1,
	series: [$.gchart.series([20, 10, 15, 25, 17, 30], 'blue'),
	$.gchart.series([0, 5, 10, 7, 12, 6], -50, 100),
	$.gchart.series([35, 25, 45, 47, 24, 46], -50, 100),
	$.gchart.series([15, 40, 30, 27, 39, 54], -50, 100),
	$.gchart.series([70, 55, 63, 59, 80, 60], -50, 100)],
	markers: [$.gchart.marker('candlestick', '', 1, [1, 4], 20)]});
Backgrounds and Margins

Change the background colour of the chart and/or the entire image. You can even make these fully or partially transparent to allow a background image to show through, or make the entire chart fully or partially transparent.

You can also create gradients of colour for your backgrounds by specifying its angle with respect to the positive x-axis (either as a named value or in degrees) and the colours to merge between.

Make use of the helper functions, $.gchart.gradient and $.gchart.stripe, for simple gradients and stripes.

In addition you can set the minimum margins around the chart and the minimum legend size.

Backgrounds: All



Margins: Left Right  

  Top Bottom  

Legend: Width Height  


$('#backgroundChart').gchart({type: 'line',
	maxValue: 61, encoding: 'simple',
	backgroundColor: 'ffffaa', chartColor: 'ffffaa',
	dataLabels: ['0', '5', '10'], legend: 'right',
	series: [$.gchart.series('Level', [28, 4, 0, 4, 11, 5, 9,
	7, 7, 7, 10, 20, 35, 46, 61, 46, 46, 23, 20, 28])]});

// These are the values you would use for your backgrounds
var demoBackgrounds = ['ffffaa',
	$.gchart.gradient('horizontal', 'black', 'transparent'),
	$.gchart.gradient('diagonalUp', ['lime', 'blue']),
	{angle: 'diagonalDown', colorPoints:
		[['yellow', 0.2], ['ff000000', 0.8]]},
	{angle: 'vertical', colorPoints: [['red', 0], ['white', 1]]},
	{angle: 60, colorPoints: [['white', 0.3], ['blue', 0.7]]},
	$.gchart.gradient(0, ['white', 'yellow', 'red'], [0.25, 0.5, 0.75]),
		['white', 'silver', 'gray'], [0.2, 0.2, 0.2]),
	{angle: 30, striped: true, colorPoints:
		[['white', 0.25], ['silver', 0.5], ['white', 0.25]]}];

$('#bgApply').click(function() {
	$('#backgroundChart').gchart('option', {
		opacity: parseInt($('#opacity').val()),
		backgroundColor: demoBackgrounds[$('#bgAll').val()],
		chartColor: demoBackgrounds[$('#bgChart').val()],
		margins: [getValue('#marginLeft'), getValue('#marginRight'),
		getValue('#marginTop'), getValue('#marginBottom')],
		legendDims: [getValue('#legendWidth'), getValue('#legendHeight')]});
Chart Title

Specify a title for your chart (title), along with its colour (titleColor) and size (titleSize). Use a pipe (|) in the title for a new line.

Titles: Text

  Colour Size  


$('#titleChart').gchart({type: 'line', maxValue: 61, encoding: 'simple',
	title: 'My Chart', titleColor: 'blue', titleSize: 20,
	series: [$.gchart.series('Level', [28, 4, 0, 4, 11, 5, 9,
	7, 7, 7, 10, 20, 35, 46, 61, 46, 46, 23, 20, 28])]});

$('#titleApply').click(function() {
	$('#titleChart').gchart('option', {
		title: $('#titleText').val(), titleColor: $('#titleColour').val(),
		titleSize: parseFloat($('#titleSize').val())});
Chart Legend

Specify a legend for your chart (legend), along with its label order (legendOrder), colour (legendColor), and font size (legendSize). See the Backgrounds tab to change the dimensions of the legend.

Legend: Position Order  

  Colour Size  


$('#legendChart').gchart({type: 'line',
	legend: 'right', legendColor: 'blue', legendSize: 12,
	dataLabels: ['2010', '2011', '2012', '2013'],
	series: [$.gchart.series('IE', [29.7, 21.7, 16.1, 11.7], 'red'),
		$.gchart.series('Chrome', [19.2, 32.3, 44.9, 54.1], 'green'),
		$.gchart.series('Firefox', [44.1, 38.7, 31.8, 27.2], 'blue')]

$('#legendApply').click(function() {
	$('#legendChart').gchart('option', {
		legend: $('#legendPosition').val(), legendOrder: $('#legendOrder').val(),
		legendColor: $('#legendColour').val(), legendSize: parseFloat($('#legendSize').val())});
Bar Chart Styling

Control the sizing and spacing of the bars on your bar charts, along with their backgrounds. Set the width of the bars (barWidth), the spacing between bars within a group (barSpacing), and the gap between groups of bars (barGroupSpacing). Note that if the width is set to relative, the spacing values should be between 0.0 and 1.0.

You can also set the zero point of a bar chart (barZeroPoint). This value, from 0.0 at the bottom/left to 1.0 at the top/right, indicates the starting position for the bars, which then extend from here up/down/left/right to the actual value.

Use the $.gchart.gradient or $.gchart.stripe functions to style the bar backgrounds.

Bar sizing:

  Spacing Group spacing  

Other: Zero point  




var barBackgrounds = [['', '', ''],
	[$.gchart.gradient(0, 'white', 'red'), $.gchart.gradient(-90, 'white', 'green'),
		$.gchart.gradient(-60, 'white', 'blue')],
	[$.gchart.stripe(0, ['white', 'red'], [0.1, 0.1]),
		$.gchart.stripe(-90, ['white', 'green'], [0.1, 0.1]),
		$.gchart.stripe(-60, ['white', 'blue'], [0.1, 0.1])]];
var barSeries = [$.gchart.series('IE', [29.7, 21.7, 16.1, 11.7], 'red'),
	$.gchart.series('Chrome', [19.2, 32.3, 44.9, 54.1], 'green'),
	$.gchart.series('Firefox', [44.1, 38.7, 31.8, 27.2], 'blue')];

$('#barChart').gchart({type: 'barVertGrouped', series: barSeries,
	barWidth: 20, barSpacing: 5, barGroupSpacing: 8, barZeroPoint: 0.0,

$('#barApply').click(function() {
	var type = 'bar' + ($('#barHoriz').is(':checked') ? 'Horiz' : 'Vert') +
		($('#barGrouped').is(':checked') ? 'Grouped' : '');
	var width = $('input[name=barWidthType]:checked').val();
	width = (width == 'w' ? getValue('#barWidth') : width);
	var bg = $('#barBackground').val();
	for (var i = 0; i < barSeries.length; i++) {
		barSeries[i].fillColor = barBackgrounds[bg][i];
	$('#barChart').gchart('option', {type: type, series: barSeries,
		barWidth: width, barSpacing: getValue('#barSpacing'),
		barGroupSpacing: getValue('#barGroupSpacing'),
		barZeroPoint: getValue('#barZeroPoint')});
Line Appearance

Control the appearance of the lines depicting your data by setting its thickness and the length of the line segments and the gaps between them. A continuous line has a gap of zero. Each line (series) can have a different style.

Line appearance: Line Thickness  

  Dash length Gap length  


var lineSeries = [$.gchart.series([28, 4, 0, 4, 11, 5, 9, 7, 7, 7,
	10, 20, 35, 46, 61, 46, 46, 23, 20, 28], 'red', 5, [5, 5]),
	$.gchart.series([5, 8, 22, 24, 25, 10, 9, 23, 2, 3,
	5, 10, 37, 49, 56, 41, 15, 18, 20, 20], 'green', 3, [10, 2]),
	$.gchart.series([43, 50, 52, 54, 35, 10, 24, 33, 32, 43,
	45, 55, 60, 39, 36, 31, 25, 28, 33, 40], 'blue', 1, [1, 0])];

$('#lineChart').gchart({type: 'line', maxValue: 61, series: lineSeries});

$('#lineNumber').change(function() {
	var i = $(this).val();

$('#lineApply').click(function() {
		{lineThickness: getValue('#lineThickness'),
		lineSegments: [getValue('#lineLength'), getValue('#lineGap')]});
	$('#lineChart').gchart('option', {series: lineSeries});
Area Fills

Fill in the spaces between lines with colours. Each line (series) can have a different colour.

After creating your series, use its fillColor attribute to customise its appearance. This colour applies to the area between the current line and the next in the series. To fill the space at the top and bottom, add extra series for the maximum and minimum values. You can also set the fill to only appear for a range of values.

Fill appearance: Line 

  Colour Range  


var fillSeries = [$.gchart.series([40, 40], 'black', 'ffffcc'),
	$.gchart.series('Max', [29.1, 28.9, 28.1,
	26.3, 23.5, 21.2, 20.6, 21.7, 23.8, 25.6, 27.3, 28.6], 'red', 'ffcccc'),
	$.gchart.series('Min', [20.9, 20.8, 19.5,
	16.9, 13.8, 10.9, 9.5, 10.0, 12.5, 15.6, 18.0, 19.8], 'blue', 'ccccff'),
	$.gchart.series([0, 0], 'black')];

$('#fillChart').gchart({type: 'line', maxValue: 40, series: fillSeries});

$('#fillNumber').change(function() {
	var i = $(this).val();
	$('#fillColour').val(fillSeries[i].fillColor.color || fillSeries[i].fillColor);
	$('#fillRange').val(fillSeries[i].fillColor.range || '');

$('#fillApply').click(function() {
	var fillNumber = $('#fillNumber').val();
	var colour = $('#fillColour').val();
	var range = (fillNumber == 0 ? '' : $('#fillRange').val());
	fillSeries[fillNumber].fillColor =
		(range ? {color: colour, range: range} : colour);
	$('#fillChart').gchart('option', {series: fillSeries});
Grid Lines

Add grid lines to your charts via the gridSize and gridLine options. The former specifies the x- and y-spacing between grid lines, while the latter provides the length of the line segments and the gaps between them. A continuous line has a gap of zero.

The grid lines may be offset from their normal positions by setting gridOffsets to contain the appropriate x and y values.

Grid appearance: X-spacing Y-spacing  

  Dash length Gap length  

  X-offset Y-offset  


$('#gridChart').gchart({type: 'line', maxValue: 61, encoding: 'simple',
	gridSize: [20, 50], gridLine: [5, 5],
	series: [$.gchart.series([28, 4, 0, 4, 11, 5, 9,
	7, 7, 7, 10, 20, 35, 46, 61, 46, 46, 23, 20, 28])]});

$('#gridApply').click(function() {
	var gridLine = [getValue('#gridLength'), getValue('#gridGap')];
	if (gridLine[0] == null || gridLine[1] == null) {
		gridLine = [];
	var gridOffsets = [getValue('#gridXOffset'), getValue('#gridYOffset')];
	if (gridOffsets[0] == null || gridOffsets[1] == null) {
		gridOffsets = [];
		{gridSize: [getValue('#gridX'), getValue('#gridY')],
		gridLine: gridLine, gridOffsets: gridOffsets});
Axes Labels

Provide labels for any of the chart axes with the axes option, which is an array of objects describing each axis. You can even have multiple sets of labels on the one axis.

Each axis object has attributes for placement (axis), line colour (color), displayed text (labels), their positions (positions) and styling (style), the range of values shown (range), what is drawn (drawing), and/or the format of the labels (format). The axes are named 'top', 'left' or 'y', 'bottom' or 'x', and 'right'.

Axes: Top Bottom 

  Left Right 

  Second left Second right 


$('#axesChart').gchart({type: 'line', maxValue: 61, encoding: 'simple',
	axes: [],
	series: [$.gchart.series('Level', [28, 4, 0, 4, 11, 5, 9,
	7, 7, 7, 10, 20, 35, 46, 61, 46, 46, 23, 20, 28])]});

// These are the values you would use for your axes,
// ignoring null and replacing '??' with the axis name
var demoAxes = [null,
	$.gchart.axis('??', 'blue'),
	$.gchart.axis('??', ['0', '50', '100'], 'blue'),
	$.gchart.axis('??', ['2005', '2006', '2007', '2008']),
	$.gchart.axis('??', ['min', 'avg', 'max'], [10, 35, 70]),
	$.gchart.axis('??', [], [0, 10, 20, 40, 80]),
	$.gchart.axis('??', 100, 200),
	$.gchart.axis('??', 1000, 0, -200),
	$.gchart.axis('??', [], [250, 350, 450], 200, 500),
	$.gchart.axis('??').ticks('red', -100),
	$.gchart.axis('??').format($.gchart.formatFloat, '', 'K', 1, false, true)];

$('#axesApply').click(function() {
	var newAxes = [];
	$.each(['Top', 'Bottom', 'Left', 'Right', 'Left2', 'Right2'],
		function(i, name) {
			var axis = demoAxes[$('#axes' + name).val()];
			if (axis) {
				newAxes.push(typeof axis == 'string' ? name.toLowerCase() :
					$.extend({}, axis.axis(name.toLowerCase())));
	$('#axesChart').gchart('option', {axes: newAxes});
Value Ranges

Highlight ranges of values on the chart via the ranges option, which is an array of objects describing each range. You can draw any number of ranges on a chart and they are added in their order in the array, with later ones overlaying earlier ones.

Each range object has attributes for orientation (vertical), colour (color), and the range covered (start and end) between 0.0 and 1.0. Omit the end of the range for a simple line.

You can use the $.gchart.range function to assist in creating range definitions.

Ranges: First Second 


$('#rangesChart').gchart({type: 'line', maxValue: 61, encoding: 'simple',
	ranges: [],
	series: [$.gchart.series('Level', [28, 4, 0, 4, 11, 5, 9,
	7, 7, 7, 10, 20, 35, 46, 61, 46, 46, 23, 20, 28])]});

// These are the values you would use for your ranges, ignoring null
var demoRanges = [null,
	$.gchart.range('ccccff', 0.25, 0.75),
	{color: 'red', start: 0.1},
	$.gchart.range(true, 'ccffcc', 0.6, 0.8),
	{vertical: true, color: 'blue', start: 0.7}];

$('#rangesApply').click(function() {
	var newRanges = [];
	$.each([1, 2], function(i, name) {
		var range = demoRanges[$('#ranges' + name).val()];
		if (range) {
			newRanges[newRanges.length] = range;
	$('#rangesChart').gchart('option', {ranges: newRanges});
Point Markers

Specify a custom marker for each point in your chart with the markers option, which is an array of objects describing each marker. You can add as many markers as you want.

Each marker object has attributes for shape (shape), colour (color), index of the series to which it applies (series), item in the series (item, 'all' for all), size (size), priority with respect to other chart elements (priority), alignment with respect to the line/bar (placement), and offsets from the normal position (offsets).

You can use the $.gchart.marker function to assist in creating marker definitions.

Markers: Red line Green line 


$('#markersChart').gchart({type: 'line', maxValue: 61, encoding: 'scaled',
	markers: [],
	series: [$.gchart.series([28, 4, 0, 4, 11, 5, 9,
	7, 7, 7, 10, 20, 35, 46, 61, 46, 46, 23, 20, 28], 'red'),
	$.gchart.series([5, 8, 22, 24, 25, 10, 9,
	23, 2, 3, 5, 10, 37, 49, 56, 41, 15, 18, 20, 20], 'green')]});

// These are the values you would use for your markers, ignoring null
var demoMarkers = [null,
	$.gchart.marker('diamond', 'red', 0),
	$.gchart.marker('circle', 'yellow', 0, -1, [0, 10]),
	{shape: 'cross', color: '0000ff80', series: 0,
		item: 6, size: 30, priority: 'behind'},
	{shape: 'plus', color: '800080', series: 0,
		item: 6, size: 20, priority: 'above'},
	$.gchart.marker('sparkline', 'ffff0080', 0, 'all', 6),
	$.gchart.marker('sparkfill', 'ccccff', 0),
	$.gchart.marker('text', 'black', 0, 14, 12, 'above', 'Note this'),
	$.gchart.marker('flag', 'red', 0, 7, 0, 0, 'Unusual'),
	$.gchart.marker('number', 'blue', 0, 4),
	$.gchart.marker('number', 'gray', 0, 'every2', 0, 'normal',
		$.gchart.numberFormat($.gchart.formatFloat, 1, false, true)),
	$.gchart.marker('text', 'silver', 0, [0.25, 0.5], 50,
		'behind', 'Watermark', true),
	$.gchart.marker('annotation', 'black', 0, 4, 0, 0, 'Note this'),
	$.gchart.marker('horizontal', 'blue', 0, 0.5, 2),
	$.gchart.marker('horizbar', 'blue', 0, 4, '3:20'),
	$.gchart.marker('vertical', 'blue', 0, 7, 2),
	$.gchart.marker('down', 'blue', 0, 16, 2)];

$('#markersApply').click(function() {
	var newMarkers = [];
	$.each([1, 2], function(i, name) {
		var marker = demoMarkers[$('#markers' + name).val()];
		if (marker) {
			newMarkers.push($.extend({}, marker, {series: i}));
	$('#markersChart').gchart('option', {markers: newMarkers});
Dynamic Icons

Specify dynamic icons in your chart with the icons option, which is an array of objects describing each icon. You need to add the jquery.gchart.icons.js module to your page.

You can add as many icons as you want. Each icon object has attributes for icon name (name), configuration data (data), index of the series to which it applies (series), item in the series (item, 'all' for all), z-index (zIndex), position (position), and offsets (offsets).

You can use any of the $.gchart.icon, $.gchart.bubbleIcon, $.gchart.mapPinIcon, $.gchart.noteIcon, $.gchart.weatherIcon, $.gchart.outlineIcon, $.gchart.colorVaryIcon, $.gchart.sizeVaryIcon, $.gchart.colorSizeVaryIcon, $.gchart.stackingIcon, $.gchart.stackingColorVaryIcon, or $.gchart.embeddedChart functions to assist in creating icon definitions.


$('#iconsChart').gchart({type: 'line', maxValue: 61, encoding: 'scaled',
	icons: [], visibleSeries: 1,
	series: [$.gchart.series([5, 8, 22, 24, 25, 10, 9,
		23, 2, 3, 5, 10, 37, 49, 56, 41, 15, 18, 20, 20], 'green'),
		$.gchart.series([0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 85, 90,
		0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 85, 90, 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 85])]});

// These are the values you would use for your icons, ignoring null
var demoIcons = [
	$.gchart.icon('map_spin', '2.0,-45,ffcccc,20,b,Here!', 0, 7, 1.0),
	$.gchart.bubbleIcon('Wheeee!', 'ski', 0, 7.5),
	$.gchart.bubbleIcon('Sale', '', 'bottomRight', false, '',
		'ffffcc', 'green', 0, 7, 0, null, [-58, 0]),
	$.gchart.bubbleIcon('Haunted House|' +
		'Hours: Midnight to 3:00 AM|Ghouls, Goblins, and Vampires', 
		'home', 'edgeBottomLeft', true, '', '#FFB573', 'black', 0, 7),
	$.gchart.mapPinIcon('A', '', '', '', '#ccffff', 'black', 0, 'all'),
	$.gchart.mapPinIcon('R', '', 'right', 'no', 'yellow', 'blue',
		0, 7, 0, null, [12, 0]),
	$.gchart.mapPinIcon('', 'caution', '', '', 'red', 0, 'every2'),
	$.gchart.mapPinIcon('', 'bank-dollar', 'star', 'no',
		'#DEF763', 0, [4, 8, 2]),
	$.gchart.noteIcon('A bump|in the road', 0, 7),
	$.gchart.noteIcon('Progress', '3rd Quarter', 'taped',
		false, '', '', [0.2, 0.8]),
	$.gchart.weatherIcon('City', '22-29°C', '', '', [0.2, 0.8]),
	$.gchart.outlineIcon('Sale', 20, true, 0, 7),
	$.gchart.colorVaryIcon('books', 1, ['green', 'blue', 'red'], 24, 0),
	$.gchart.sizeVaryIcon('disk', 1, 5, 20, 5, 'black', 'red',
		$.gchart.contextualAlignment('centre'), 0),
	$.gchart.colorSizeVaryIcon('square', 1, ['green', 'blue', 'red'],
		1, 5, 20, 5, 0),
	$.gchart.stackingIcon('flag', 1),
	$.gchart.stackingColourVaryIcon('books', 1, 6, 16, 1,
		['green', 'blue', 'red'], 'black', 2,
		$.gchart.contextualAlignment('centre'), 0),
	$.gchart.embeddedChart({type: 'pie', legend: 'right', backgroundColor: 'cyan',
		series: [$.gchart.series([10, 20, 30])], dataLabels: ['Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3']},
		'centre', 0, 7)];

$('#iconsSelect').change(function() {
	var icon = demoIcons[$(this).val()];
	$('#iconsChart').gchart('option', {icons: (icon ? [icon] : null)});
Data Functions

You can add functions to be applied to data and their output plotted.

Make use of the helper functions, $.gchart.func and $.gchart.funcVar to generate the data function definitions.



// These are the values you would use for your data functions
var functionOpts = [
	// Sine wave
	{type: 'line', encoding: 'text', backgroundColor: 'white',
	series: [$.gchart.series([0])],
	functions: [$.gchart.fn(0, 'x', 0, 11, 0.1, 'sin(x) * 50 + 50')],
	markers: []},

	// Circle
	{type: 'lineXY', encoding: 'text', backgroundColor: 'white', 
	series: [$.gchart.series([0]), $.gchart.series([0])],
	functions: [$.gchart.fn(0, $.gchart.fnVar('x', 0, 10, 0.1), 'sin(x) * 50 + 50'),
	$.gchart.fn(1, $.gchart.fnVar('y', 0, 10, 0.1), 'cos(y) * 50 + 50')],
	markers: []},

	// Lissajous
	{type: 'lineXY', encoding: 'text', backgroundColor: $.gchart.gradient('vertical',
	[$.gchart.color('black'), $.gchart.color('white'), $.gchart.color('black')]),
	series: [$.gchart.series([0]), $.gchart.series([0]), $.gchart.series([0])], 
	functions: [$.gchart.fn(0, $.gchart.fnVar('x', 0, 360, 0.33), 'sin(x) * 50 + 50'),
	$.gchart.fn(1, $.gchart.fnVar('y', 0, 360, 0.1), 'cos(y) * 50 + 50')],
	markers: []},

	// Butterfly
	{type: 'lineXY', encoding: 'scaled', backgroundColor: $.gchart.gradient(
	'vertical', [$.gchart.color('ffe7c6'), $.gchart.color('76a4fb')]),
	series: [$.gchart.series([0], -100, 100), $.gchart.series([0], -75, 75)], 
	functions: [$.gchart.fn(0, $.gchart.fnVar('t', 0, 100, 0.05),
	$.gchart.fn(1, $.gchart.fnVar('t', 0, 100, 0.05),
	markers: []},

	// Combination
	{type: 'line', encoding: 'text', backgroundColor: 'white',
	series: [$.gchart.series([15, 45], 'black'), $.gchart.series([0], 'red')], 
	functions: [$.gchart.fn(1, 'x', 0, 11, 0.1, 'sin(x) * 50 + 50')],
	markers: [$.gchart.marker('cross', '00a5c6', 1, 96, 20), 
	$.gchart.marker('arrow', '00a5c6', 1, 60, 10)]},

	// Squared
	{type: 'line', encoding: 'text', backgroundColor: 'white',
	series: [$.gchart.series([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], 'black'),
	$.gchart.series([0], 'red')], 
	functions: [$.gchart.fn(1, 'x', 0, 'x^2')], markers: []}];

$('#dataFn').change(function() {
	$('#dataFnChart').gchart('option', functionOpts[$(this).val()]);
More Chart Types

You can create other chart types as well. You need to add the jquery.gchart.ext.js module to your page for these.

For a scatter chart, use the $.gchart.scatter helper function. It expects an array of arrays of two or three numbers. The first two numbers are the x- and y-coordinates of the point, and the optional third value is the size of the point (0-100, defaulting to 100).

Scatter diagram:

	[[10, 80], [30, 40, 50], [60, 70, 25], [90, 20], [20, 10],
	[40, 90], [20, 50, 75], [50, 70, 50], [90, 30], [70, 50]]));

With colours and shapes:

	[[10, 80], [30, 40, 50], [60, 70, 25], [90, 20], [20, 10],
	[40, 90], [20, 50, 75], [50, 70, 50], [90, 30], [70, 50]])).
	gchart('option', {legend: 'right',
		markers: [$.gchart.marker('diamond', 'red', 0, [0, 6]),
		$.gchart.marker('square', 'blue', 0, [7])]});

For a Venn diagram, use the $.gchart.venn helper function. It expects three values for the relative sizes of the circles, then three values for the percentage overlaps between them (1 to 2, 1 to 3, and 2 to 3), and a final value for the percentage overlap between all three.

Venn diagram:

$('#vennChart').gchart($.gchart.venn(100, 80, 60, 10, 30, 30, 10));

For a Google meter, use the $.gchart.meter helper function. It expects the label for the arrow, the arrow's position, and the maximum value for the range (defaulting to 100).

Google meter:

$('#meterChart').gchart($.gchart.meter('Speed', 70));

	['1', '2', '3'], [10, 30, 70]));

Google meter:

	'Speed', 70, [], ['slow', 'faster', 'crazy']));

	'', [[10, 30], 70], [], [], [1, [3, 5, 5, 7]]));

QR Codes are a popular type of two-dimensional barcode, also known as hardlinks or physical world hyperlinks, that can store text containing a hyperlink, contact information, telephone number, etc. The individual block size depends on the amount of data to be presented, along with the encoding and error correction level specified.

For a QR code, use the $.gchart.qrCode helper function. It expects the text to encode, followed (optionally) by the encoding scheme, error correction level, and margin.

QR Codes:

$('#qrCode1').gchart($.gchart.qrCode('This is a QR Code'));
	'This one contains a longer text message', 'ISO-8859-1', 'high', 2));

You can also create a mathematical formula via Google Charts. The formula must be specified using the TeX notation.


$('#formula1').gchart({type: 'formula',
	dataLabels: ['x = \\frac{-b \\pm \\sqrt {b^2-4ac}}{2a}']});
$('#formula2').gchart({type: 'formula',
	backgroundColor: $.gchart.gradient(0, 'white', '76a4fb'),
	dataLabels: ['\\Large\\mathbb{Q}+\\lim_{x\\to3}\\frac{1}{x}']});

And now you can display graphs and networks via Google Charts. The graph layout must be specified using the DOT language or as a JavaScript structure via the graphviz function. You need to add the jquery.gchart.graphviz.js module to your page instead of jquery.gchart.ext.js for this type of chart.


$('#graph1').gchart($.gchart.graphviz('neato', 'digraph{A->B->C->A}'));

	{C_0: {}, H_0: {type: 's'}, H_1: {type: 's'}, H_2: {type: 's'},
	C_1: {type: 's'}, H_3: {type: 's'}, H_4: {type: 's'}, H_5: {type: 's'}},
	{C_0: ['H_0', 'H_1', 'H_2', 'C_1'], C_1: ['H_3', 'H_4', 'H_5']}));

Google charting allows you to colour maps based on data. You need to add the jquery.gchart.ext.js module to your page for this.

For a map, use the $ helper function. It expects an object that contains the country/state codes as attribute names with the corresponding values to be plotted. You can also optionally provide a default colour for regions not plotted, and a starting and ending colour for those regions that are. Use the appropriate ISO 3166 country codes, to identify the regions, optionally followed by a dash and a second identifier for regions and cities.

The map zooms to show all of the selected areas by default. In addition you can specify extra (pixel) spacing around the map (left/right/top/bottom) to zoom out or the bottom/left/top/right latitudes and longitudes to show.




var areaData =
	{AU: 20, AU_QLD: 40, BR: 40, CO: 60, EG: 80, FR: 100, FR_B: 60, IN: 0,
	JP: 20, PL: 40, SA: 60, TR: 80, US: 100, 'US-TX': 40, ZA: 0};

var mapColours = [{},
	{defaultColour: 'silver', colour: 'green', endColour: 'aaffaa'},
	{defaultColour: 'silver', colour: ['green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red']}];


function showMap() {
	var data = {};
	$.each($('#selectArea').val(), function(i, v) {
		data[v] = areaData[v];
	var colours = mapColours[$('#colourMap').val()];
	var coords = [];
	$.each($('#coordsZoom').val().split(','), function(i, v) {
		coords.push(parseInt(v, 10));
			coords, data, colours.defaultColour,
			colours.colour, colours.endColour));

The original map implementation is still available. Under this scheme you must select a region of the world to view and can only use country codes for selecting areas on the map.

Original maps:


var origAreaData =
	{AU: 20, BR: 40, CO: 60, EG: 80, FR: 100, IN: 0,
	JP: 20, PL: 40, SA: 60, TR: 80, US: 100, ZA: 0};

var origMapColours = [{},
	{defaultColour: 'white', colour: 'green', endColour: 'aaffaa'},
	{defaultColour: 'white', colour: ['green', 'yellow', 'orange', 'red']}];

$('#selectOrigArea,#colourOrigMap').change(function() {
	var colours = origMapColours[$('#colourOrigMap').val()];
		gchart($$('#selectOrigArea').val(), origAreaData, colours.defaultColour,
			colours.colour, colours.endColour));
JSON Description

Google charting also lets you retrieve a JSON description of the chart, allowing you to add imagemap-like capabilities to your chart, for example on mouse hover. You obtain this data by setting provideJSON to true and adding an onLoad handler.

The built-in findRegion function converts a mouse position over the chart into the corresponding region from the JSON data.

JSON description:


var jsonTypes = [
	{type: 'barVertGrouped',
	dataLabels: ['2010', '2011', '2012', '2013'], legend: 'right',
	series: [$.gchart.series('IE', [29.7, 21.7, 16.1, 11.7], 'red'),
		$.gchart.series('Chrome', [19.2, 32.3, 44.9, 54.1], 'green'),
		$.gchart.series('Firefox', [44.1, 38.7, 31.8, 27.2], 'blue')]},
	{type: 'line',
	dataLabels: ['2010', '2011', '2012', '2013'], legend: 'right',
	series: [$.gchart.series('IE', [29.7, 21.7, 16.1, 11.7], 'red'),
		$.gchart.series('Chrome', [19.2, 32.3, 44.9, 54.1], 'green'),
		$.gchart.series('Firefox', [44.1, 38.7, 31.8, 27.2], 'blue')]},
	{type: 'pieConcentric',
	dataLabels: ['IE', 'Chrome', 'Firefox'],
	series: [$.gchart.series('2012', [16.1, 44.9, 31.8]),
		$.gchart.series('2013', [11.7, 54.1, 27.2])]}];
$('#jsonType').change(function() {
	$('#jsonChart').gchart('option', jsonTypes[$(this).val()]);

$('#jsonChart').gchart($.extend({onLoad: saveRegions, provideJSON: true}, jsonTypes[0])).
	mousemove(function(event) {
		var region = $.gchart.findRegion(event, regionData);
		$('#jsonRegion').text(!region ? ' ' : 'Type: ' + region.type +
			', series: ' + region.series + ', point: ' + region.point);

var regionData = null;

function saveRegions(jsonData) {
	regionData = jsonData;
POST Large Charts/Secure Access

The normal access to a Google chart is via a GET URL, which is limited to 2K in size. If you need to show more data you can use a POST URL, allowing up to 16K in size, by setting usePost to true. Note that the resulting chart appears within an iframe.

POST chart:

$('#postChart').gchart({usePost: true, width: 475, height: 325,
	type: 'line', maxValue: 40,
	title: 'Weather for|Brisbane, Australia', titleColor: 'green',
	backgroundColor: $.gchart.gradient('horizontal', 'ccffff', 'ccffff00'),
	series: [$.gchart.series('Max', [29.1, 28.9, 28.1, 26.3,
		23.5, 21.2, 20.6, 21.7, 23.8, 25.6, 27.3, 28.6], 'red', 'ffcccc'),
		$.gchart.series('Min', [20.9, 20.8, 19.5, 16.9,
		13.8, 10.9, 9.5, 10.0, 12.5, 15.6, 18.0, 19.8], 'green'),
		$.gchart.series('Rainfall', [157.7, 174.6, 138.5, 90.4,
		98.8, 71.2, 62.6, 42.7, 34.9, 94.4, 96.5, 126.2], 'blue', 0, 200)],
	axes: [$.gchart.axis('bottom', ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr',
		'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], 'black'),
		$.gchart.axis('left', 0, 40, 'red', 'right'),
		$.gchart.axis('left', ['C'], [50], 'red', 'right'),
		$.gchart.axis('right', 0, 200, 50, 'blue', 'left'),
		$.gchart.axis('right', ['mm'], [50], 'blue', 'left')],
	legend: 'right'

Normally access to a Google chart is over an open line (HTTP), but you can encrypt the request (HTTPS) via the secure setting.

Secure access:

$('#secureChart').gchart({secure: true, width: 500, height: 350,
	type: 'line', maxValue: 40, title: 'My Shares',
	backgroundColor: $.gchart.gradient('horizontal', 'ccffff', 'ccffff00'),
	series: [$.gchart.series('AAA', [26.3, 23.5, 21.2, 20.6,
		21.7, 23.8, 25.6, 27.3, 28.6, 29.1, 28.9, 28.1], 'red'),
		$.gchart.series('BBB', [16.9, 13.8, 10.9, 9.5,
		10.0, 12.5, 15.6, 18.0, 19.8, 20.9, 20.8, 19.5], 'green'),
		$.gchart.series('CCC', [90.4, 98.8, 71.2, 62.6,
		42.7, 34.9, 94.4, 96.5, 126.2, 157.7, 174.6, 138.5], 'blue', 0, 200)],
	axes: [$.gchart.axis('bottom', ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr',
		'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], 'black'),
		$.gchart.axis('left', 0, 200, 50, 'black', 'right')],
	legend: 'right'
Live Feeds

Charts can be used to show live feeds of data by continually updating the series data displayed. A flicker-free update ensures smooth transitions.

Here a live feed is simulated by rotating the series values. An onLoad callback updates the range of months being shown.

"Live" feed:


var liveData = [$.gchart.series('Max', [29.1, 28.9, 28.1, 26.3,
	23.5, 21.2, 20.6, 21.7, 23.8, 25.6, 27.3, 28.6], 'red', 'ffcccc'),
	$.gchart.series('Min', [20.9, 20.8, 19.5, 16.9,
	13.8, 10.9, 9.5, 10.0, 12.5, 15.6, 18.0, 19.8], 'green')];
var liveAxis = $.gchart.axis('bottom', ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr',
	'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], 'black');

$('#liveChart').gchart({type: 'line', maxValue: 40,
	series: liveData, axes: [liveAxis], legend: 'right',
	onLoad: showRange});
setInterval(liveUpdate, 1000);

// Cycle labels and data
function liveUpdate() {
	var rotate = function(arr) {
		var value = arr.shift();
		return arr;
	for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
		liveData[i].data = rotate(liveData[i].data);
	$('#liveChart').gchart('option', {series: liveData, axes: [liveAxis]});

function showRange() {
	$('#liveRange').text('Showing ' + liveAxis.labels()[0] +
		' to ' + liveAxis.labels()[11]);
Data Encoding

Google charting provides for a number of different encoding schemes for the data values so as to reduce the size of the information passed in the request.

Values are normalised to 0-100 and are presented in normal text with commas (,) separating values and pipes (|) separating series.
Scaled text
Values are not normalised and are presented in normal text with commas (,) separating values and pipes (|) separating series. Additional values specify the minimum and maximum for each series.
Values are normalised to 0-61 and are presented as one character (A-Za-z0-9) with no value separator and commas (,) separating series.
Values are normalised to 0-4095 and are presented as two characters (A-Za-z0-9-.) with no value separator and commas (,) separating series.

Encoding types:

Encoded data:

$('#encodedChart').gchart({type: 'barVertGrouped', encoding: 'text',
	dataLabels: ['2010', '2011', '2012', '2013'], legend: 'right',
	series: [$.gchart.series('IE', [29.7, 21.7, 16.1, 11.7], 'red'),
		$.gchart.series('Chrome', [19.2, 32.3, 44.9, 54.1], 'green'),
		$.gchart.series('Firefox', [44.1, 38.7, 31.8, 27.2], 'blue')]

$('#selectEncoding').change(function() {
	$('#encodedChart').gchart('option', {encoding: $(this).val()});
	$('#encodedData').text($.gchart['_' + $(this).val() + 'Encoding'].
		apply($.gchart, [$('#encodedChart').data('gchart').options]));
Loading Data

Data for the series may be loaded from external sources either as XML or CSV (comma-separated values).

The XML structure is as follows, with all attributes except point/@y being optional. Use the point/@x attribute to specify an X-Y line point.

	<series label="" color="" fillColor="" minValue=""
		maxValue="" lineThickness="" lineSegments="">
		<point x="" y=""/>

Load XML:


$('#xmlChart').gchart({type: 'barVertGrouped',
	dataLabels: ['2010', '2011', '2012', '2013'], legend: 'right'});
$('#xmlLoad').click(function() {
		{series: $.gchart.seriesFromXml($('#xmlSource').val())});

The CSV format may have a header line to identify the columns. These should be labelled with the series attributes (label, color, fillColor, minValue, maxValue, lineThickness, lineSegmentLine, lineSegmentGap) or be of the form yn, where n is a sequential number, for the data values. If you want to specify x-y line values, include columns named xn before the corresponding y-values. If x-values are not required for one series, leave the fields blank on that line. If there is no header line, all entries are treated as data values.

Load CSV:


$('#csvChart').gchart({type: 'line',
	dataLabels: ['2010', '2011', '2012', '2013'], legend: 'right'});
$('#csvLoad').click(function() {
		{series: $.gchart.seriesFromCsv($('#csvSource').val())});
In the Wild

This tab highlights examples of this plugin in use "in the wild".

To add another example, please contact me (wood.keith{at} and provide the plugin name, the URL of your site, its title, and a short description of its purpose and where/how the plugin is used.

Quick Reference

A full list of all possible settings is shown below. Note that not all would apply in all cases. For more detail see the documentation reference page.

	width: 0, // Width of the chart
	height: 0, // Height of the chart
	format: 'png', // Returned format: png, gif
	usePost: false, // True to POST instead of GET - for larger charts with more data
	secure: false, // True to access a secure version of Google Charts
	margins: null, // The minimum margins (pixels) around the chart:
		// all or [left/right, top/bottom] or [left, right, top, bottom]
	title: '', // The title of the chart
	titleColor: '', // The colour of the title
	titleSize: 0, // The font size of the title
	opacity: 0, // Make the entire chart semi-transparent (0.0-1.0 or 0-100)
	backgroundColor: null, // The background colour for the entire image
	chartColor: null, // The background colour for the chart area
	legend: '', // The location of the legend: top, topVertical,
		// bottom, bottomVertical, left, right, or '' for none
	legendOrder: 'normal', // The order of items within a legend: normal, reverse, automatic
	legendDims: null, // The minimum size (pixels) of the legend: [width, height]
	legendColor: '', // The colour of the legend
	legendSize: 0, // The font size of the legend
	type: 'pie3D', // Type of chart requested: line, lineXY, sparkline, barHoriz, barVert,
		// barHorizGrouped, barVertGrouped, barHorizOverlapped, barVertOverlapped, pie,
		// pie3D (default), pieConcentric, radar, radarCurved, venn, scatter, map,
		// mapOriginal, meter, qrCode, formula, graphviz
	encoding: '', // Type of data encoding: text (default), scaled, simple, extended
	series: [$.gchart.series('Hello World', [60, 40])], // Details about the values to be plotted
	visibleSeries: 0, // The number of series that are directly displayed, 0 for all
	functions: [], // Functions to apply to be plotted based on data
	dataLabels: [], // Labels for the values across all the series
	axes: [], // Definitions for the various axes, each entry is either
		// a string of the axis name or a GChartAxis object
	ranges: [], // Definitions of ranges for the chart, each entry is an object with
		// vertical (boolean), color (string), start (number, 0-1),
		// and end (number, 0-1) attributes
	markers: [], // Definitions of markers for the chart, each entry is an object with
		// shape (arrow, circle, cross, diamond, down, flag, horizontal,
		// number, plus, sparkfill, sparkline, square, text, vertical),
		// color (string), series (number), item (number), size (number),
		// priority (number), text (string), positioned (boolean),
		// placement (string or string[]), offsets (number[2])
	icons: [], // Definitions of dynamic icons for the chart, each entry is an object with
		// name (string), data (string), series (number), item (number), zIndex (number),
		// position (number[2]), offsets (number[2])
	minValue: 0, // The minimum value of the data, $.gchart.calculate to calculate from data
	maxValue: 100, // The maximum value of the data, $.gchart.calculate to calculate from data
	gridSize: null, // The x and y spacings between grid lines (number or number[2])
	gridLine: null, // The line and gap lengths for the grid lines (number or number[2])
	gridOffsets: null, // The x and y offsets for the grid lines (number or number[2])
	extension: {}, // Any custom extensions to the Google chart parameters
	// Bar charts -------------
	barWidth: null, // The width of each bar (pixels) or 'a' for automatic or 'r' for relative
	barSpacing: null, // The space (pixels) between bars in a group
	barGroupSpacing: null, // The space (pixels) between groups of bars
	barZeroPoint: null, // The position (0.0 to 1.0) of the zero-line
	// Pie charts -------------
	pieOrientation: 0, // The angle (degrees) of orientation from the positive x-axis
	// Maps -------------------
	mapLatLong: false, // True to use lat/long coords in mapArea
	mapArea: null, // New maps: (number) pixel border all around or
		// (number[4]) individual pixel borders or lat/long
		// Original maps: the general area to show:
		// world, africa, asia, europe, middle_east, south_america, usa
	mapRegions: [], // List of country/state codes to plot
	mapDefaultColor: 'bebebe', // The colour for non-plotted countries/states
	mapColors: ['blue', 'red'], // The colour range for plotted countries/states
	// QR Code ----------------
	qrECLevel: null, // Error correction level: low, medium, quarter, high
	qrMargin: null, // Margin (squares) around QR code, default is 4
	// Callback
	onLoad: null, // Function to call when loaded
	provideJSON: false // True to return JSON description of chart with the onLoad callback

$.gchart.setDefaults(options) // Set defaults for all instances

$(selector).gchart('option', options) // Update the chart settings
$(selector).gchart('option', name, value) // Update a chart setting
$(selector).gchart('option', name) // Retrieve a chart setting

$(selector).gchart('destroy') // Remove the chart functionality
$.gchart.axis(axis, lineColour, labels, positions, rangeStart, rangeEnd, rangeInterval,
	colour, alignment, size, format) // Generate an axis definition
$.gchart.color(r, g, b, a) // Convert a colour
$.gchart.gradient(angle, colour1, colour2) // Generate a gradient definition
$.gchart.gradient(angle, colours, positions) // Generate a gradient definition
$.gchart.stripe(angle, colours, widths) // Generate a stripe definition
$.gchart.range(vertical, colour, start, end) // Generate a range definition
$.gchart.marker(shape, colour, series, item, size, priority, text,
	positioned, placement, offsets) // Generate a marker definition
// Generate a number format definition
$.gchart.numberFormat(type, prefix, suffix, precision, showX, zeroes, separators)
$.gchart.series(label, data, colour, fillColour,
	minValue, maxValue, thickness, segments) // Generate a series definition
$.gchart.seriesForXYLines(series) // Generate series for an X-Y line chart
$.gchart.seriesFromCsv(csv) // Generate series from CSV data
$.gchart.seriesFromXml(xml) // Generate series from XML data
$.gchart.fn(series, data, start, end, step, fnText) // Generate a data function definition
$.gchart.fnVar(name, start, end, step) // Generate a data function variable definition
$.gchart.findRegion(event, jsonData) // Determine the region within a chart

// From jquery.gchart.ext.js
// Generate the options for a map
$, mapArea, values, defaultColour, colour, endColour, options)
// Generate the options for a Google meter
$.gchart.meter(text, values, maxValue, colours, labels, styles, options)
// Generate the options for a QR Code
$.gchart.qrCode(text, encoding, ecLevel, margin)
$.gchart.scatter(values, minMax, labels, colours, options) // Generate series for a scatter chart
$.gchart.venn(size1, size2, size3, overlap12, overlap13, overlap23, overlap123,
	options) // Generate the options for a Venn diagram

// From jquery.gchart.graphviz.js
// Generate options for a GraphViz chart
$.gchart.graphviz(engine, options, directed, nodes, edges, attrs)

// From jquery.gchart.icons.js
// Generate dynamic icons
$.gchart.icon(name, data, series, item, zIndex, position, offsets)
$.gchart.bubbleIcon(text, image, tail, large, shadow, bgColour, colour,
	series, item, zIndex, position, offsets)
$.gchart.mapPinIcon(letter, image, style, shadow, bgColour, colour,
	series, item, zIndex, position, offsets)
$.gchart.noteIcon(title, text, type, large, alignment, colour,
	series, item, zIndex, position, offsets)
$.gchart.weatherIcon(title, text, type, image,
	series, item, zIndex, position, offsets)
$.gchart.outlineIcon(text, size, bold, alignment, colour, outline,
	series, item, zIndex, position, offsets)
$.gchart.colourVaryIcon(image, colourSeries, colourLow, colourMiddle, colourHigh,
	size, outline, alignment, series, item, zIndex, position, offsets)
$.gchart.sizeVaryIcon(image, sizeSeries, zeroSize, sizeMultiplier, minSize, colour,
	outline, alignment, series, item, zIndex, position, offsets)
$.gchart.colourSizeVaryIcon(image, colourSeries, colourLow, colourMiddle, 
	colourHigh, sizeSeries, zeroSize, sizeMultiplier, minSize, outline,
	alignment, series, item, zIndex, position, offsets)
$.gchart.stackingIcon(image, repeatSeries, scalingFactor, horizontal, size, colour,
	outline, spacing, alignment, series, item, zIndex, position, offsets)
$.gchart.stackingColourVaryIcon(image, repeatSeries, scalingFactor, horizontal,
	size, colourSeries, colourLow, colourMiddle, colourHigh, outline,
	spacing, alignment, series, item, zIndex, position, offsets)
$.gchart.embeddedChart(embeddedOptions, bubble, alignment, padding, frameColour,
	fillColour, series, item, zIndex, position, offsets)